Disclaimer & Disclosure
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a type of energy therapy that provides effective results for most people, but there is no guarantee of such results. While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it is still considered to be in the experimental stage.
By participating in individual sessions, group sessions, or workshops facilitated by Sarah Bartlett, you agree to the following statements:
“I understand that I will be introduced to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as ‘Tapping’. EFT Tapping is a technique considered to be a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT Tapping, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits, are not fully known or understood, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with using EFT Tapping both during and after any session, group or workshop facilitated by Sarah Bartlett, including responsibility for my own emotional, physical, mental health and wellbeing.
I understand that Sarah Bartlett is a certified, accredited EFT Practitioner under EFT International but not a licensed health professional and offers EFT Tapping as a Personal Growth Facilitator and Emotional Freedom Mentor. If I have any health concerns in the application of EFT, I agree to consult my physician and/or therapist regarding my use of EFT.”
Any consultation or services that Sarah Bartlett provides are educational in nature and are not psychotherapy or medical therapy, nor are they substitutes for these services. Should you have medical or psychological problems, you must accept the responsibility of notifying and receiving approval from your physician or therapist for participation in private sessions, group sessions and workshops that are facilitated by Sarah Bartlett.
Your participation in sessions and workshops with Sarah Bartlett is completely voluntary. You may refuse to participate in any or all parts of sessions or workshops and you are free to leave at any time.